Fucking Mexicans And Their Piano
(butler smoke ride in work van)
I love simplicity. the immigrant who moves with 1 mattress and a suitcase. nomad
he'll stay with just that, and he might be staying for a year or two, but always ready to go.
he carries only means, meaning, he leaves more leaves, sees more seas
1 guy signs the lease, door shuts and 29 move in, whats wrong with that? who's to say they can't live like that if they pay the bills? it sounds fun actually.
"i hate moving they're shit out, pain in the ass"
yea but its just as bad as 1 rich guy with just as much expensive shit decorations
"yea, this one guy we moved had all these big vases and paintings"
that reminds me, they got a 200K piano, grand
"how do you kno?" piano tuner told me
they're real estate agents, pissed and calculated
they're old farmers, they don't know how to play a piano
they got piano worth as much as a house but don't know how to play it
"well they must play it if they got a piano tuner"
well you know how rich ppl are they play it once a year but tune it five times a yr.
The fuckin mexicans, they were so goddamn loud. They had this tiny broken down spinet piano, only weighted 90 pounds, all fucked up and out of tune. The whole family would pound on that all night, every weekend.